Oldest lady Youtuber of the world died in Andra Pradesh, she was the oldest Youtuber too and her age was 107 Years. Her name was the Granny Mastanamma. She was too famous for her cooking and usually uploads the cooking videos on Youtube. She was too good to make modern food by using rural techniques.
Her channel was uploaded the last video, where they have shown the life journey of the granny. This channel was started in August 2016 but no one was uploading the videos from the last six months on this channel.
Her egg fried recipe is watched by more than 15 million viewers. This time the channel has more the 1 million subscribers. I really love village life and she became famous at this age. Most of the viewers will miss her because of her food and rural techniques.
So this was all about her. She will be loved by us and we will remember her always. My name is Rohit Choudhry and you are reading the LaunchedPhones. I will meet you in the next article till then goodbye...